Cosmic Guides
This is a list of some of the Cosmic guides that Daniele Piserchia channels.
Nasir, a collective consciousness, works now and has worked with Daniele since the beginning of his contact experiences. This is one of the main energies that accompanies Daniele’s work.
He supports our life’s lessons and leads and assists most of Daniele’s workshops and events, often collaborating with other cosmic or archangelic guides.
Namiroo occasionally leads some classes, he is always eager to build up a deep and profound, yet soft and gentle communication with people.
Paukamal is an ancient Arcturian energy that has been on Earth from ancient times to support the evolution of this planet and to safeguard the state and energy of this beautiful and magical Mother Earth. Pauakamal is a very strong, in a way masculine, shamanic, ceremonial-like energy, he is like a vibrating powerful wave that reminds us to burn anything we no longer need in our lives, anything we are not.
The Founders, Architects of Life, emit a very high frequency, they are very close to the Source, the One, so we speak of highly integrated energies, they have no body but may appear in different shapes if they wish.
Zirak resounds to Daniele like an old friend of ancient adventures. He likes to talk about the real history of the Earth, the creation, specifically the ancient genetic projects, and the support that this planet receives from the whole Cosmos. He supports humanity so that it will, eventually, integrate the inner struggles that usually one encounter in moments of deep and profound transformation. Zirak is often backed up by a team of “cosmic” experts.
Zeta Reticuli
These Zeta Reticuli beings are great experts in manifestating the reality they wish to experience, their long and complex evolution allows them to share with us precious teachings.
Tanimo knows Daniele from his personal contact experience. He is extremely respectful and with a great open heart, though emotionally different from us. He wishes to help humanity understand the role of fear in our life, he also supports us to go through the fear of contact and and the fear of anything conceived as alien, he helps to heal and see through the emotional wound.
Zeta Reticuli
Teurem reminds ourselves the energy of an ancient priest, expert, kind of like Yoda from Star Wars, his energy feels ethereal but vast and of great support. Often, Tanimo’s loving service is supported by Teurem.
Hybrid (Human/Zeta)
Ratenakush supports evolution on Earth by helping humanity grow out of the cloud of forgetfulness we are living in, revealing to us who we truly are and the great potential we have to make a change here and now.
Noratiwa is collective consciousness, very fluid, like a blue wave gently washing away everything that weighs us down. Whenever we feel like tuning in with the element of water, acceptance and flow of the Universe, Noratiwa presents itself with its graceful energy, soft and welcoming, almost maternal.
Dashi is a being, apparently more masculine, though very integrated, who speaks often on behalf of the Galactic Federation.
The Founders, Architects of Life, emit a very high frequency, they are very close to the Source, the One, so we speak of highly integrated energies, they have no body but may appear in different shapes if they wish.
The Founders, Architects of Life, emit a very high frequency, they are very close to the Source, the One, so we speak of highly integrated energies, they have no body but may appear in different shapes if they wish.
Like most of Andromedan’s energies, Nachiko Nawa supports humanity and this galaxy in facing change, teaching us to surf the wave of perpetual change.
Like most of Andromedan’s energies, Tanaua supports humanity and this galaxy in facing change, teaching us to surf the wave of perpetual change.
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