SUNDAO Art of Breathing
Yoga Meditation Daoism
(Sun-do , Shinsundo, Kooksundo, Dahnhak) is an ancient Daoist Healing Practice.
It is a training practice for the mind and body for the physical, mental, and spiritual development; a method that allows us to integrate and harmonize ourwhole being: mind, body and spirit. The roots of this practice go back 9700 years, combining a series of body postures and abdominal breathing methods which cultivate , balance , and regulate the body’s internal energetic system( Ki / Qi ) .

The Art and Practice of Sundao originated in East Asia , where it was practiced for centuries as Mountain Daoism. It flourished in ancient Korea during the era of the Three Kingdoms (300 AD – 700 AD). Political persecution during the Chosun and Japanese Dynasty, however, forced the art of Sundao to hide in the mountains until Master Chungsan reintroduced it to the public in 1967. At the age of twelve, Chungsan met Master Chungwoon in Tae Hahk on the Korean mountains and became his disciple, receiving Sundao lessons from the master for more than 20 years. He left the mountains in 1967 and in 1970 he opened a Sundao Training Centre in Seoul , Korea, since then many people have practiced and enjoyed Sundao’s great benefits .

The Practice of Sundao bases itself on the principles of oriental philosophy and medicine. According to Eastern philosophy, Qi ( prana ) is the natural energy in the Universe . The Universe’s order, different models and cycles are all created from the transformations of Qi. Qi exists in the polarity of Yin and Yang, and in the five elements which are at the base of the whole creation: Water, Fire, Wood, Metal and Earth.
When a person practices Sundao, performs a personal action aimed to balance its own vital energy (Qi).
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